Message from Mayor Neil on Zero-Covid Status
With Talisays’s new zero-covid status, celebrate with caution totally gratefully to our heroes remembering our 98 fallen kasimanwas.” – Mayor Neil Lizares

Mayor Neil Lizares joyfully reports that the City of Talisay, Negros Occidental is now officially Covid-19 free after battling the virus for two years with 3,006 total confirmed infections, 2,908 total recoveries and 98 deaths since recording the City's first case in June 11, 2020.
Giving credit to where it is due, we continue to thank and be grateful to our frontliners and backliners, our men and women in uniform who defended gallantly our homeland against the enemy in 4 waves.
Mayor Neil would like to thank all Talisaynons for your sacrifice, cooperation and discipline during the most trial times of the pandemic and in believing that together, we will conquer and heal as one.
We also remember our 98 Kasimanwas who we lost to the enemy and may your souls truly rest in peace with the Lord and guide over us.
And lastly, while we celebrate our biggest gain today, let us thank God for His protection and still be reminded that the Covid-19 virus is still out there. To be very clear, be fully vaccinated with booster and let us remain to be vigilant in following the minimum health protocols. We all know the drill. We survived Covid as one, we will heal as one.