Talisay City Health Office conducted health advocacy campaign
The City Health Office conducted a health advocacy campaign to around 800 first year college students (all courses) of Carlos Hilado Memorial State College (CHMSC) Talisay City with the theme "Awareness on Dengue Prevention Environmental Sanitation, Pre-Marital Sex, Anti Smoking, Food Poisoning, Drug Addiction, HIV/Aids, and Re-Orientation on Medical Policy/ Regulation of the medical clinic". Said activity is a project of the Student Affairs Office of CHMSC with head Ma. Isabel Tubera and Public Health Nurse Mr. Dominic M. Requina.

First year college students of CHMSC Talisay. It was taken during the Medical Health symposium.
Health Care is conventionally regarded as an important determinant in promoting the general physical and mental health and well- being of people. Health and medical care are of great significant for public health. They also contribute perhaps even more to improving many peoples' functional ability and quality of life.

First Year College students of CHMSC Talisay City.
Talisay City Health office's Ms. Maricel Benjamin, Sanitary Inspector, Mr. jerick Estrope, HEPO Designate, Razel Galang, Nurse II and Arlene Corteza, STI Coordinator comprehensively explained their respected topics during the said health campaign.