City Of Talisay Gave Recognition To 78 Talisaynon Blood Galloners: Ordinary Persons Doing Extraordinary Deed By Donating Blood
The City Government of Talisay recognizes the Heroic deeds of the so called “life line “providers also known as “Blood Galloners” (blood donors who donated blood ten times or a total of 4,000cc of blood) who consistently donated blood to save lives today, July 25, 2017 at Talisay Public Plaza. With this years’ Theme: “What can you do? Give Blood, Give Now, Give Often”, seventy eight (78) Talisaynon BLOOD GALLONERS were given due recognition and each of them were given certificate of appreciation in acknowledgment of their good deeds and concern for others. Objective of the recognition is to commend these voluntary blood donors who make up the foundation of safe blood supply. Furthermore it is also aimed in inspiring others to imitate those who freely and voluntarily offer a bit of themselves to those who are in need of blood. These Blood Galloners are the source of equitable and sustainable blood supply not just for the City of Talisay but in the province as well, where the need for blood supply is steadily increasing every year.

With Felipe-Marlyn Duallo Guancia, Marlyn Simondo and Rj Tuvilla.
Mayor Neil E. Lizares III through the City Health Office expressed gratitude to these selfless blood donors for supporting the city in their pursuit to save lives. They play a key role in having sufficient blood supply for those in need of transfusion. Numerous patients who were saved from their deathbeds owe their lives to these “Heroes.” A blood donor gives so much of his time and effort to come and give the gift of life to anybody who needs it. Hence, donating blood is an act of generosity and love. Indeed, these noble blood donors are the “Heroes of the Modern World.”
Present in the awarding was Dr. Mark Belonio of Negros First Blood Center who reiterated the importance of blood donation. He further emphasized that blood donors should not just donate once but often and encourages every barangay health workers to recruit and to retain more blood donors to further increase the number of collected blood every year and to continue to maintain a rightful supply of blood in the province.
The said celebration is in accordance with Presidential Proclaimation No. 1021, series of 1997 declaring the Month of July every year as “Blood Donors Month. A Mobile Blood Donation was simultaneously held on the same day participated in by around 100 and more voluntary blood donors.