TALISAY ADVISORY. No official results out yet for Persons-in-Contact of Talisay Covid No. 1
NO MASK NO ENTRY. Market-on-Wheels Schedule on April 14-19
8:00 AM- Barangay Matab-ang
1:00 PM- Triad
3:00 PM- Menlo
8:00 AM- Barangay Dos Hermanas
1:00 PM- Barangay San Fernando
3:00 PM- Barangay Efigenio
8:00 AM- Barangay Bubog
11:00 AM- Zone 16 Barangay Hall
1:00 PM- Mambucog
3:00 PM- Sweet Center
9:00 AM - Barangay Cabatangan
1:00 PM- Hope Village
8:00 AM- Central (Acacia)
1:00 PM - Rizal St.
8:00 AM- Barangay Zone 3 (Pala-Pala)
1:00 PM- Octagon
3:00 PM- Zone 15 Barangay Hall
9:00 AM- Barangay Concepcion
3:00 PM- Habitat
9:00 AM- Barangay Matab-ang
1:00-3:00- PM- Triad
3:30-5:30- PM-Menlo
1. QUESTION: Ngaa kinahanglan ang Home Quarantine Pass (HQP)?
Answer: Kinahanglan ang HQP para samtang naga-obserbar kita sang Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ), may ara representanti ang aton pamilya nga maka-gwa sa aton panimalay para mag-bakal sang aton mga kinahanglanon.
2. QUESTION: San-o igapatuman ang Enhanced Community Quarantine?
Answer: Santo sa direktiba sang probinsya, magasugod ang Enhanced Community Quarantine sa Marso 30, 2020 (12:01 AM) asta Abril 14, 2020 (11:59 PM).
Due to the ongoing threat and danger pose by CoViD-19, MAYOR NEIL LIZARES has ordered the setting up of border check points at WILCON and BANGGA CONCEPCION as a proactive precautionary measure and risk mitigating action to strengthen Talisay City’s bio-security plan in keeping our City virus-free.
Due to the ongoing threat and danger pose by CoViD-19, MAYOR NEIL LIZARES reminds all Talisaynons to practice social distancing at the Talisay Public Market and other public establishments.
Published on: February 220, 2020
The City Government of Talisay, in collaboration with the Office of Congressman Jose Francisco “Kiko” Benitez and the Department of Information and Technology (DICT), is looking for trainees for the DICT Virtual Assistance Technical Training Program. This is an 8-day face-to-face training and 21-day online campaign which includes modules on Web Research and Data Entry, Transcription, Email, and Calendar Scheduling and Chat Support/Help Desk/Technical Support.
Please refer to the banner post for more details.
Updated: September 7, 2019
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